You want to collaborate but you cannot adopt? Help us by becoming a sponsor for our dogs and cats.
In the Bremen musicians family, we have dogs and cats who, because of the terrible hardships they have gone through, cannot be adopted. But they do need YOUR HELP. If you become a sponsor, you can help pay for the expenses they need and we will keep you informed of everything that concerns your protégé(s) – your help can really make a difference!
Soon, other family members will be introduced to you for sponsorships

She is a Mastin female of about two years old. Her story is very sad because, along with Orangette, they were in the hands of an illegal breeder. He mistreated them by keeping them in small cages for 5 months. This resulted in leg problems and muscle atrophy. Sponsor Negrita!
She suffered the same abuse as Negrita, this is why she joined our family. Sponsor Orangette!
Blackjack and Jackpot are brothers. They are two years old. They were wandering the streets and later were found in a kennel, bound to be sacrificed. We couldn’t let this horrible outocome befall them. Unfortunately, the time spent on their own and the abuse they suffered made them very suspicious of people. Sponsor Blackjack!
The same sad story happened to his brother Blackjack. He needs your help to finally have a better life. Sponsor Jackpot!
Nubi is a very fearful dog… she has lived like a wild dog… Now she would like to experience contact, but it is very difficult for her… I am sure that if you give her a chance with a lot of patience….
Anizette’s story is a sad one. She is a 6 years old female, very small (4 kg). This female dog was in a kennel, enclosed in less than 1 m2. The puppies she gave birth to were sold on the Internet. She NEVER had any caresses, nor affectionate attention, she was just there to breed. That’s why today, no human being can touch her anymore and she doesn’t want to build anything with anyone… She is afraid and we are looking for a sponsor to be able to rehabilitate her. She is vaccinated, sterilized and has a Chip. Here is a sad example of animal marketing and trafficking: when dogs are no longer “profitable” they are disposed of…Adopt or sponsor a dog! don’t buy it.
Mercury is a nice cat that we found in the street, abandoned. The poor one has lost all his teeth, he is not old but he has the irritable bowel syndrome caused by the shock of abandonment. He needs a specific food (PRECAL). Sponsor Mercury! He needs help.
Here is the story of little Olive. We found him on the road close to the refuge. He looked dead, but we saw that he was breathing with difficulty and we carried him to the association so that we could take care of him. The veterinarian diagnosed a very strong intoxication. For 3 days he was between life and death. Then he started to wake up but he couldn’t eat or walk and his tongue was hanging out. Little by little, with the help of the treatment, his organism eliminated the poison and he was finally able to eat (non-stop for 3 days ;)) After doing some research on what could have happened to Olive, we found out that he lived with an elderly lady who unfortunately died and whose family who had inherited the house wanted the house but not a 4 kg dog. This story shows how people are able to eliminate an animal just because it disturbs them. He is now the protector of our cats and of all our very, very small guests. He can spend hours with puppies and kittens for no one to get close to them. Sponsor Olive! The best nanny of the Bremen Musicians !
Mandala is a 6 year old female dog,from an unknown mixed breed!!
She is a very dominant dog and can be aggressive because of her difficulties… Mandala has 2 old fractures in her front legs and also a fracture in her mouth… they cause her pain and prevent her from moving as she would like…
She lived on the streets and one day a person found badly injured and took her to a kennel where they decided to put her down because a dog like that costs money!
Mandala has traveled to our house and has adapted quite well but she
needs a treatment to relieve the pain. She can be adopted but it is better to sponsor her because we do not know how her problem can evolve…
She is spayed, vaccinated and has a chip with a passport…
Nany is a 4 year old female dog who lived in the street with her 4 puppies. As she was looking for food near a restaurant, the city hall took them to the kennel, but as Nany was very wild, she was bound to be sacrificed. We took in the whole family and 3 of her puppies were adopted, the last one stayed at the shelter because he was very sick. Nany is looking for a sponsor.
Capitan Cook
Our Captain Cook is not adoptable but he would also like to have a sponsor. Lost in the city, he had to manage to find something to eat. Now he is the king of the henhouse!!!
These cats of the Bremen musicians are not adoptable.
They are so traumatized that they don’t trust anyone. Some have broken jaws, others are blind, all have experienced beatings and hunger. We are looking for sponsors to improve the daily life of these broken” cats at the shelter. May they be able to live in peace, security and with time accept that a hand can also give strokes.
Charly is a 3 year old crossbred male, who travelled from the south of Spain to France, before returning to Spain where we took him in. This dog was adopted by a lady and at first everything was fine, but the lady got pregnant and changed her behaviour towards Charly. She didn’t want him near her, then she started beating him and ended up not wanting the dog anymore. Beaten by the hand that used to stroke him, Charly would no longer let himself be touched. When he sees a hand approaching, he starts shaking and biting for fear of being hit again. This is why he is not adoptable. He bites with anger and frustration, he wants to be stroked but is afraid of being hurt. We are looking for sponsor so that Charly can, one day, have faith in man again and remain serene at the sight of a hand.
Chiwi y Mamy
Here, Chiwi (the brown one) and Mamy (the white and black one), respectively 2 and 4 years old. The owner of the dogs loved them very much but was in a very precarious situation, living in a garage without light and without windows. At first she was able to put her dogs in a kennel, but after a while she could no longer afford it. So that Chiwi and Mamy could have a good life, in the sun and with daily food, she decided, with great difficulty, to entrust her dogs to us. We can’t separate them and as Mamy has an incontinence problem, we are looking for a sponsor so that they can be together for a long time.
Niaouli is a small female of 7 years old. She was going to be sacrificed because she is a small unstable female dog. She can be very affectionate and then gets depressed or scared for no reason. She is very emotional because she has not forgotten that human beings wanted to kill her. She is not adoptable for the moment, but she needs sponsors to give us time to create trust between her and people, it would be great!
Krypton is a five year old cat. He was on the street and a man tried to kill him with a shotgun. He is very affectionate, but he is in a state of “shock” at the moment and we cannot give him up for adoption yet. Sponsor Krypton!
Sanson y Dalila
We introduce you to Samson (black and white) and Dalila (black). When they were small, they were locked in a cage and could barely move. A friend picked them up from her home, but her village council did not accept pigs as pets and their future was the slaughterhouse. Bremen musicians took them in and they now weigh over 300 kilos. They are not intended for adoption and can only be sponsored. They are very affectionate and it is a pleasure to discover the world of a free pig.
Banjo is a 31-year-old grandfather. He was abandoned on the streets in France. He is an extraordinary and very sensitive horse. Sponsor Banjo to make his old age more enjoyable.
Pipo y Cybelle
Here are the donkeys, Pipo of 21 years old and Cybelle, 4 years old. Pipo comes from an animal traffic and was very aggressive the first months. Now he is very nice and he is the best friend of Banjo the horse. Cybelle lost her human friend who had to be hospitalized and nobody could or would take care of him. She is the “crazy seed” of the group. Sponsor Pipo and Cybelle!
Pepa y Babybel
Pepa and Babybel, victims of the fashion for pigs as pets in apartments! Even a little piggy needs to do piggy activities! Playing in water, in the ground, biting wood and much more. So that they don’t end up on a plate, we took them in and they are now the guardians of the chickens. They would be happy to have a good sponsor!
Gigliola is a 1 year old turkey. Policemen found her in the street full of blood, she was bleeding. They brought her to me to save her and she fought hard to be the beautiful bird she is today. Gigliola loves philosophy and talking for hours. She cannot be adopted, but she can be sponsored 😉
Gros minet
Gros minet. We were able to save this grandpa from the street!On friday he travels from cadiz to my house… That is just on time because people wanted to kill him… “Gros minet” has arrived home! What a great victory that is for us to save a grandfather from the street… he has travelled by car to my house (more than 11 hours) and now he is safe… he eats and sleeps in bed!
Kira has a sponsor who will fund her operation. She has a serious health problem, the breast chain and her uterus have to be removed.
Rozenn lived on the streets before being placed in a shelter. Unfortunately he fell ill and could no longer feed himself. After an examination, the diagnosis was given: CALCIVIROSIS. The cat’s symptoms worsened and nobody wanted to touch him for fear that it was contagious. Calcivirosis cannot be transmitted to humans….Fortunately, two people did their best to save him and asked us to take him to be treated. After his journey from Cordoba he received the appropriate treatment and since then he has been eating again and he has no symptoms any longer. Of course, the disease can come back, like any virus, but the treatment exists and it works. Nice to meet you, Rozenn!
Shogun used to live in the streets of southern Spain. He had a very damaged back leg, but nobody did anything to help him. After some time, seeing that the cat was in pain and could no longer move, someone was willing to take him to the vet, but apart from disinfecting him and giving him an analgesic, nothing was done because nobody wanted to take care of the cat. A friend contacted us to see if we could take care of him as the cat was back on the street with his sore wounds exposed (no vet wanted to help him). The trip was arranged and the cat arrived with his paw in a catastrophic condition; broken foot bones, swollen flesh and a knee blocked and atrophied by the effort of putting the paw under its belly to protect it. What had happened to him? We don’t know, but the most probable hypothesis would be that he was caught in a trap and the poor cat would have eaten his fingers to free himself from it. Today, amputated and finally relieved, he is recovering very well and learning to live with his handicap. Welcome to the Musicians of Bremen Shogun!
Lost was locked up in a farm and tied up…he lived with the corpses of other animals and in very bad hygienic conditions, of course with no one to caress him (he has only known blows) and his only food was the corpses of other animals….
At last a family took him out of this hell but as he was used to eating dead animals he started to kill chickens and ducks….
That’s why the family contacted Musicos de Bremen to see if we could help him.
Little by little Lost has started to socialize, we can now touch him and he comes to us for cuddling (although he is still afraid in his heart at the moment).
The work with Lost will be hard but he will succeed….
Here is Soraya, only 1 year old. She comes from a breeder with no conscience, who was selling his sick dogs abroad.
We have been able to rescue her from there, along with some other dogs (also sick). Soraya has a severe heart failure.
Her belly is full of fluid and right now she is under treatment even though we can’t stabilize her condition.
It is always difficult to feel so helpless in such cases.
Fedora is a German Shepherd that is approximately 8 years old. She had tumours in her breasts and now she has to be operated once again. We have saved her from a horrible place where she was to be put down. She is a very good and smart dog.
Follow is a young Podenco of about 4 years old. She has a lot of metabolic and food assimilation problems and is therefore very thin. She is undergoing treatment and in spite of everything, she still has a lot of energy. She was taken away from her family by the authorities but then nobody wanted to take her from the kennel. She had been crying for more than a year, so we had no choice but to bring her home 🙂
Flynn is a Mastiff cross-breed. He has more or less the same problem as Malon, with his back legs. When he finishes growing he might be fitted with Malon’s braces. He saw two of his siblings in abominable conditions so he is very afraid of people and cannot be put up for adoption. With fear he may bite.
Bouchoux is a little grandpa who is now more than 10 years old. He was lost in the mountains and whoever picked him up must not have been a good person because he ran away and we got him back. He escaped for the second time from his owner and came to Los Músicos de Bremen on his own. Now he has lost his sight but he is a fantastic dog.
Opaline was abandoned in the street with another cat in a dangerous place where there were a lot of cars… but nobody wanted to feed her… she is a very affectionate and tender cat… and she doesn’t like to go out…
Plif plaf was in his mother’s belly when he arrived at the refuge… He’s got only one eye and is so small that he fits in a trouser pocket !!!! He’s a treasure that everybody loves here….
Clochette and Fantasia lived on a farm, locked up in a place of 4 square metres, without being able to go out and surrounded by their excrement, and someone came once every 4 or 5 days to put food in. Saving them was very complicated but finally we made it. Someone came with a sledgehammer to break the lock and save the dogs. Clochette has a lot of difficulties to adapt, because even though we could save the 2 dogs, there were 2 other dogs who lost their lives inside the cage, and Clochette, 7 or 8 years old more or less, didn’t want to leave the body of the little dead dogs.
She needs a family with a lot of patience and a lot of presence. As for Fantasia, she has adapted very well (she is very young (1 or 2 years old) and is full of life.
Hi my name is Drama; my owner wanted to put me down 😔but luckily the vet didn’t💪🏻. I am 8 years old and full of energy!
Hello we are 4 old daddies of 10 or 11 years old, Tamtam, Decibel, Djumbe and Saxo… Our ”dad” was also old and as we have a difficult character and our dad lacked mobility, someone has denounced him saying that he didn’t take good care of us… It’s false! Right now we miss him very much and we spend the whole day looking for him… Because nobody wanted to help our dadto walk us out on the street, a judge has decided to separate us… We were in a kennel where we were waiting for the injection to die… But the musicians of Bremen have taken us in… Here we are well and we have found a balance… But it is true that it being very difficult… What happens is that it’s impossible to rebuild after losing everything at our age.