Nice ending
Recently, someone called us to tell us that she had seen dogs in a rubbish dumpsite. We asked her if she could give them food and drink and check if they were abandoned dogs. After 2 days she informed us that there were puppies (2 of which were in bad condition) with the mother and that they were indeed abandoned. It was difficult to get in, but we managed, with a veterinary friend, to get the whole family out (7 puppies and the mother). The musicians from Bremen took care of 5 puppies and our vet friend took care of the mother and 2 of the puppies. The female dog was exhausted and hadn’t eaten for days and the 2 puppies were also dehydrated, but with the right treatment in 1 week they were saved.
Today they all have a family and we are delighted ;). It was difficult to choose the right families as they are very cute but adopting an animal can’t be a whim. In the end, 5 families were chosen and our shelter manager went with them to meet the families and introduce them to their new member(s).