Why did we set up Los Musicos de Bremen?
The answer is easy, we want to HELP. Over the years, we have taken in and cared for animals that, due to abuse or abandonment, needed a home. Little by little, the number of dogs, cats and other animals has increased so much that we need outside help. We therefore decided to create a non-profit association that would make us visible to both institutions and the general public. In this way, we hope to make ourselves known and to receive your collaboration.
The association is located in Comunidad Valenciana (Spain).
Our home
The Bremen musicians

Our inspiration
“Wolf has definitely been a source of inspiration for all of us. This magnificent animal, half wolf, half dog came into our lives in very difficult circumstances. He had a tumour on his front paw, which led him to eventually lose it. Our hearts were touched by the quality that was undoubtedly predominant in him: HIS DIGNITY. No matter how much pain he suffered or how hard life was…he always behaved with dignity. Lobo left us some time ago because, after his leg surgery, he was diagnosed with a tumour in his head. Sadly, we couldn’t do anything for him. It is our WISH, for his memory to be always present and to guide all our steps in this beautiful project we are carrying out”.

The Team
El equipo está formado por 3 soci@s fundadores que están muy involucrad@s y comprometid@s a que este proyecto salga adelante

The Team
También estan en el equipo varios colaborador@s geniales